Damaged roots are often caused by plaques which help increase bacteria that attack the enamel. You can feel the first signs of pain as soon as these bacteria break through to the dentin. If an infection of this type isn’t treated immediately, it causes bacteria to spread to the dental pulp by way of the delicate root canal system.
Here, the bacteria feed on the living tissue until the pulp dies. A root canal infection can be cured through a root canal treatment. This procedure is extremely intricate. However, we fundamentally believe that every tooth should be preserved.
Along with cavities, periodontal diseases are among the main causes of tooth loss nowadays. Periodontal infections can be caused by poor oral hygiene or poor execution. The result is plaque formation (Biofilm) on the teeth. Plaque, however, contains aggressive bacteria that convert sugars into acids. In turn, these acids attack the tooth and the periodontium.
Additionally, bacteria excrete toxic (poisonous) substances and enzymes that destroy the tissue. If an infection of the periodontium, such as this one, is left untreated, the gums can become inflamed. Failure to treat this issue may result in an inflammation of the entire periodontium.